Falcon AeroLab’s mission is to inspire, educate and train students for some of the best jobs in the  STEM/Aerospace industry! 


Dear Falcon AeroLab Families,  

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Falcon AeroLab. 

Colorado has been America's #1 state per capita for most of the last two decades. The problem is, we import  most labor for these exciting and critical STEM/Aerospace vocations. These are among the highest paid  and most rewarding jobs in our state. We strive to inspire and prepare our students for these jobs. 

Falcon AeroLab exists to assist the primary educators in a child's life and enrich their educational  journeys. We aim to make STEM/Aerospace “come alive” as students touch, see and experience the  wonders of this fascinating field. AeroLab is the way education should be. From our Young Falcons  program where we introduce 9–11-year-olds to STEM concepts in an experiential way, to our  Introduction to Aerospace Level 1-A “sampler platter”, for 12–16-year-olds, we aim to inspire and create  a “joy of learning” that will last a lifetime. Our Capstone Level Two programs focus on certifications,  licensure and credentialing in various STEM/Aerospace fields. These include, Powered, Glider, and  Drone pilot, Computer Aided Design, Cyber Security/Info Tech Fundamentals, Aviation Mechanics and  beyond.  

Our goal is to help parents as they prepare their students to become college, career, and community ready.  Our students' behavior and character are just as important as technical expertise at AeroLab. We value personal integrity, selfless service to others, respectfulness, excellence in all we do and taking  responsibility for our actions.  

Lastly, we work with businesses to give our advanced students internships and jobs. Our Distinguished  Speakers program brings industry experts to our students as role models. Thanks for the privilege of  serving your children at Falcon AeroLab.  

Mark Hyatt, Founder, Falcon AeroLab 



This handbook is designed to provide information for you, our student. The information found in this  book explains many of the policies and procedures used in our programs. All students are responsible for  knowing the contents of this handbook and for sharing it with their parents. If you have questions, please  reach out to a member of the Falcon AeroLab staff. We are excited to partner with you in your education,  and hope you have a great year! 


There are two paths for completing enrollment with Falcon AeroLab: Traditional/publicly funded  registration, or tuition registration. 

A. Traditional Registration: registration steps must be completed before students can attend classes: (1) Complete Falcon AeroLab administrative forms via ProCare 

(2) Complete registration with funding school district 

B. Tuition Registration: Two registration steps must be completed before students can attend classes: (1) Complete Falcon AeroLab administrative forms via ProCare 

(2) Pay tuition and lab fees or make payments towards fees. 

COURSE SELECTION: Course selection during the registration period is considered a commitment on  the part of the student. Once courses begin, requests for program changes can be approved by Falcon  AeroLab’s administrative team.  

PREREQUISITES: Prerequisites are required for some level 2 courses. If prerequisites have not been  met, instructors may allow an interview with the student/ parent to determine readiness. 

PROGRAM WITHDRAWAL: We hope to never see a student withdraw from the program but  understand there are circumstances when this might occur. To withdraw a student the following steps  must be taken.

(1) Parent or guardian of the student must contact a member of the Falcon AeroLab’s  administrative team by email or written notice that they intend to unenroll from the program, and  the last day of class the student intends to attend. 

(2) Falcon AeroLab’s administrative team will decide if lab fees will be returned or not. If a  student has attended more than 3 scheduled class days in the semester, then lab fees will not be  returned. If lab fees were paid in full for the year, and a student decides to withdraw before the  start of the second semester, the second-semester lab fees will be returned. Circumstances that  may prevent this include intentional damage to equipment or facilities, prior unpaid fees or  expenses, and unreturned materials.


1. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: Equipment and materials are furnished by Falcon AeroLab. Any  intentional damage will be subject to a fine assessed by the administration. 


Falcon AeroLab is primarily a homeschool enrichment program. As such, we support the parent or  guardian as the primary educator and do not assign grades or progress reports. If the primary educator would like to assign a grade they may consult with their student’s instructor for a recommendation. If parents choose to use the Falcon AeroLab course on their student’s homeschool transcripts, courses can be logged as a full credit (.5 for each semester) of science or elective.  


1. ABSENCES: Students are expected to attend as many scheduled class hours as possible. However, it is understandable that students may miss classes for various reasons. Regardless of circumstances, students  may not miss more than 5 consecutive scheduled class periods at any time. If five or more consecutive  absences occur, a student’s parent/guardian must consult with the administrative team to decide what  course of action is needed.

2. EXCUSED ABSENCES: A student shall be coded with an excused absence from class for the  following reasons when prior notice is provided to the instructor: 

1. Students can be excused by their parent/guardian, for any reason, for up to four consecutive class  days a year.  

2. a. Reasons for excused absences include but are not limited to the observance of religious  holidays consistent with the student’s creed or belief, holidays and family events, personal family  or mental health days, vacations, and so forth.  

b. Advanced notice to the course instructor is appreciated so that reservations and classroom  supplies can be accounted for as accurately as possible. 


Inclement weather, illness, district closures, and facility closures can result in a course being unable to  take place as outlined in the schedule. Course directors or staff members will make every effort to  communicate any unexpected closures in as timely a manner as possible. Careful consideration is given  by staff before any loss of school time is incurred for any reason, which is not serious or an emergency.  Efforts will be made to make-up any missed class time, but the make-up days may be outside of usual  classroom times. We ask that families make every effort to attend these alternate meeting times. 


The faculty and administration want you to make friends but ask that you use good judgment in your  behavior. Touching should not occur during a normally scheduled class period. Handholding, sitting on  laps or other physical displays of affection are not appropriate at school. 


The student dress guidelines of Falcon AeroLab shall contribute to the health and safety of the individual,  promote a positive educational environment, and not disrupt the educational activities and processes of  the program. These standards of dress apply to all students in the program unless a specific exemption is  granted. Most courses follow this basic dress code: collared shirt, slacks or nice jeans (no holes), and  closed-toe shoes. 

1. SHOES: Shoes shall be worn always and should be safe for the school environment. Closed-toe shoes  are recommended, and some scheduled class dates and trips will mandate that closed-toe shoes be worn  such as build days, flights, or physically demanding trips. The following shoes are not acceptable for any  student: cleated shoes or shoes with wheels. 

2. DISPLAYS: Gang paraphernalia, garments and/or jewelry, tattoos, or other insignias, which display or  suggest sexual, vulgar, drug, alcohol, tobacco-related wording/graphics or may tend to provoke violence  or disruption in 

class shall not be worn. 

3. OFFENSIVE WORDING/IMAGERY: Clothing must not state or depict hate speech or imagery  targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity/orientation, religious affiliation, or other  protected class. 

4. ACCESSORIES: Clothing and accessories that endanger students or staff shall not be worn. This  includes wearing Leatherman’s or pocket knives. Many trips’ students attend, such as visiting military  installations, ban these items so we ask that students not bring them to class at any time. 

5. UNIFORMS: Students attending some locations may be required to wear Falcon AeroLab polo shirts,  which are available for purchase. 

6. REPRESENTATION: Falcon AeroLab encourages students to dress in a manner that reflects positively  on themselves and the program when on outings, as there are connections with possible mentors and  future employers during these events. 

Falcon AeroLab Course Directors shall use these guidelines as a minimum standard and reserves the right  to determine what appropriate dress is, and to enforce additional dress codes for their classrooms. 


Falcon AeroLab instructors have limited time to serve our students, and we strive to make the best use of  this time. The unnecessary use of communication devices can limit this time. Falcon AeroLab recognizes the legitimate safety purpose that students and parents have in retaining cellular phones and other two-way communication devices during class. Falcon AeroLab also recognizes the legitimate education  right that students must learn without distraction or disruption from the use of two-way devices or other  personal electronic equipment. As such, cell phones and personal music devices such as iPods only are to  be used before and after class. Use of these devices is prohibited in classrooms and during class time (devices must be turned off and be out of sight during class), except at the discretion of the instructor.  Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in confiscation of the device. 

1. DISCIPLINARY ACTION: The inappropriate use of personal cell phones or other digital devices by  students during the school day are subject to disciplinary action: 

(1) 1st Offense - Cell phone is confiscated by the instructors and returned to the student at the end  of the class. Parent is notified by the teacher. Infractions will be documented by the course  director. 

(2) 2nd offense - Cell phone is confiscated, and parents/guardians must retrieve the cell phone  directly from instructors. Infraction notices will be written by the course director and sent to their supervisor. 

(3) 3rd Offense – Cell phone is confiscated, and parents/guardians are required to pick up the  phone. Administrative action will be taken. This will be considered a school rules violation,  which could result in unenrollment. Violations managed in the classroom environment by  instructors will be documented as a minor offense. When actions taken by the instructors have  failed or the rule of infraction is of a serious nature, the incident will be reported as a major  offense to an administrator for investigation and action. The consequences of the infraction will  depend upon the severity of the offense and the previous discipline record of the student. 

2. PRIVACY: Students may not share or post personal information about or images of any other student  or staff members without permission from that student or staff member. The inappropriate use of cameras  or electronic communication devices include but is not limited to the following examples. Cameras or  electronic communication devices shall not be used: 

(1) in areas where one would reasonably expect privacy, i.e., locker rooms, bathrooms, etc. (2) To communicate test answers, photograph tests, or in any way enable students to cheat. (3) To engage in cyberbullying – placing cell phone calls or sending text messages that ridicule,  threaten or harass other students, staff members or school employees.

3. FAILURE TO FORFEIT: Failure to forfeit an electronic device at the request of an administrator or  faculty member will be treated as gross insubordination and could result in unenrollment from the  program. 


During school class hours, the outside facility doors may be locked, and some facilities will require  visitors to enter through the main doors. School policy at this time is that there will be no student visitors  permitted unless prior approval has been given by both course directors and administrative staff. Adult  visitors will be expected to have a valid reason for entering the facility with prior administrative approval  and may be asked to bring along a photo I.D. to gain access to some facilities. 


1. LEAVING THE FACILITY: It is strongly recommended that all students stay and eat lunch at the  facility. If a student leaves the facility for lunch for any reason, the instructor must be notified and can  deny permission to leave if they deem a situation unsafe, or if it affects the student’s ability to return to  the class on time. Course instructors retain the right to revoke a student’s privilege to leave campus for  lunch at any time. 

2. PROVIDE MEALS: During most scheduled classes, lunches are not provided so students are  encouraged to bring adequate food, snacks, and water for the day. There are times when food will be  supplied. Efforts will be made to notify students of this before the scheduled class day when possible. 

3. ALLERGIES: Falcon AeroLab is sensitive to food allergy concerns. It is the student’s responsibility to  alert instructors to any food sensitivities. It is also the student’s responsibility to avoid items that do not  list ingredients, such as homemade items, or shared lunches when allergies are present. Life-threatening  allergies should be made known to instructors, as well as any procedures needed to administer lifesaving  treatments including Epinephrine Auto-Injectors (epi pens). 

4. EATING LUNCH: Course directors and staff will determine areas where food or drinks are allowed  and may limit these areas when necessary if projects are being completed in which it is not safe to 

consume food and drink. We encourage personal responsibility as such, students must keep the area  where they eat clean. This includes picking up trash and tidying up. 



∙ Use appropriate language, voice volume, and manners. Alert staff members of unsafe situations.  ∙ Be polite and patient and help others.  

∙ Clean up and leave surrounding areas better than you found them.  

∙ Do your best, ask questions, and be productive.  


∙ Rules of common courtesy are to be adhered to at all school activities.  

∙ Instructors and guests should always be shown respect.  

∙ The facility grounds and buildings are for you to enjoy; please help keep them clean and neat.  ∙ Healthy beverages will be allowed in classrooms at any time.  

∙ Bullying, harassment, intimidation and/or hazing of individuals will not be tolerated in the  program. Anyone who may be involved will be dealt with by the administration. It is Falcon  AeroLab’s commitment and obligation to make the program safe for all students.  

∙ Students are responsible for their actions and pay for the damage they incur.  ∙ Fighting is prohibited. Parents/authorities will be contacted for fighting.  

∙ Possession of tobacco products or substitute forms of electronic cigarettes by a student on school  grounds is prohibited. Offenses will result in a police referral and administrative consequences.  ∙ Students should not loiter in restrooms. Students who repeatedly are seen loitering in restrooms  will be referred to administration for consequences.  

These rules are not to deny the right of reasonable dissent, but to prevent the disruption of the educational  rights of others. Violations managed in the classroom environment by staff will be documented as minor offenses. When actions taken by the teacher have failed or the rule of infraction is of a serious nature, the  incident will be reported as a major offense to an administrator for investigation and action. The 

consequences of the infraction will depend upon the severity of the offense and the previous discipline  record of the student. 


Falcon AeroLab is committed to partnering with parents to help every student reach their maximum  potential. When students commit a wrong, restorative practices that focus on personal responsibility will  be used.  

If a student behaves in a way that is disrespectful or compromises the physical or emotional safety of others, a written incident report will be recorded that same day, detailing the incident and a plan for  correction. When appropriate, the family will be contacted to discuss the incident and consequences.  

If the child exhibits immediate danger or is a large disruption to the class, the child may be removed from  class and parents called to pick up the student for the remainder of the day. A meeting will be scheduled  to follow up with the parent(s) and student.  

Suspension/expulsion will be considered in the following scenarios. 

∙ Bullying or Harassment- a student who is consistently in violation will be subject to disciplinary  action.  

∙ Drugs, alcohol, smoking- the possession, sale, purchase, or use of illegal drugs or ANY form of  smoking materials is subject to disciplinary action.  

∙ The possession or use of knives, firearms, or other weapons that can be used to harm someone.  ∙ Theft  

∙ Threats- any type of verbal, physical, or written intimidation to staff or students.  

This list is not meant to be inclusive, and administration reserves the right to make decisions regarding  any issues that would affect the safety and well-being of the students and staff as well as the best interest  of the program. 


Students at Falcon AeroLab are expected to adhere to the “Be PROUD” expectations. ∙ Be Prepared:  

Be on time, be participatory, be brave, and be prepared to learn. 

∙ Be Responsible:  

Come ready to learn, follow directions, take personal responsibility for your actions,  accept consequences, and follow expectations. 

∙ Be Outstanding  

Participate positively in learning, set and obtain goals, use time wisely, and participate in  activities. 

∙ Be Upright  

Use appropriate language and voice volume, treat equipment and people with care,  respect others’ space, follow the dress code, listen to others, follow technology policies,  be polite and kind, and represent Falcon AeroLab positively within the community. ∙ Be Diligent  

Be helpful to others, be polite and kind, respect others’ differences, and encourage  others.  

Following these expectations ensures that all students can receive an education without disruption. ∙ Be safe during class.  

∙ Ask questions.  

∙ Give opinions in a mannerly way.  

∙ Learn to make appropriate decisions.  


We believe that communication between the program and home should be ongoing. Many of our  expectations involve communication, which we feel is key to successful mentoring and developing  students for future endeavors. 

A parent may expect: 

1. A positive environment that promotes success. 

2. To have conferences, upon request, with course directors, assistants, or administrative staff.

3. To take part in the decision-making process as we work cooperatively to overcome concerns regarding students’ comfort levels by gaining experience in new endeavors that may be outside the student’s  comfort level or regarding student behavior. 

A parent is expected to: 

1. Ensure that their child attends class regularly and punctually. 

2. Notify staff if their child must leave early, will be tardy or absent,  

3. Be supportive of the course and encourage a positive attitude to learning. 

4. Keep the instructors informed of any situation which might affect the student’s learning or behavior. 5. Help develop a positive, secure self-concept by giving praise and encouragement and instill a sense of  worth. 

6. Accept and love your child as she/he is and do not compare your child with other children. 7. When parents are asked to provide transportation to/from field trips, admission for one parent/sibling  will be covered by Falcon AeroLab. This policy excludes parent/sibling participation for flight  experiences. Buses will be secured, when possible, on those occasions these accommodations will be  communicated through instructors, outside of requested chaperones parent admission will not apply.  

All students and parents are responsible for knowing and abiding by Falcon AeroLab’s rules and  expectations which are found in this handbook. 


Falcon AeroLab students and staff will utilize technology to support and enhance student learning. As  such, all students and parents/guardians are required to sign our Acceptable Use Agreement.  Consequences for violations of the Acceptable Use Agreement include but are not limited to: 

Removal from the program and/or revocation of Internet/network access 

Removal from the program and/or revocation of computer access 

Discipline by administration 

Legal action/prosecution by the authorities including expulsion from school.


Falcon AeroLab values the privacy of our students, staff, and will follow the laws outlined by the Family  Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) O20 U.S.C. 

1. Staff members who post pictures of students are expected to protect the images with the HTML  code that prohibits website visitors from right-clicking on the pictures to save or alter them. Staff  Members will not post pictures publicly without a student’s photo release form being approved. 2. First names/last name initials may be used to identify student work. 

3. Identifier listings including (any/all) full names, social security numbers, phone numbers,  addresses, and email addresses of students may not be used or shared under any circumstance. 4. Identifier listings including (any/all) social security numbers, home phone numbers, home  addresses, and personal email addresses of staff may not be used under any circumstance.